If you are interested in joining WoTA and you correspond to the following conditions, please download and fill in the form below.

WoTA gathers organisations of Tote/pari mutuel established worldwide and having as direct or indirect purpose the financing of national equestrian and horseracing industry;

Article 5 – Members

The association counts members hereafter called “full members”, and “associate members”.

Members benefit from the rights granted by these articles.

The number of members is not limited. A minimum of three members is required.

Full Membership Criteria

  • Operates, owns or is associated (related bodies corporate) a licensed Tote/Pari-mutuel offering B2C services
  • a licence or authorisation to operate”

Associate Membership Criteria

  • incl. to provide pool betting services for Tote/pari mutuel operators.
  • a licence or authorisation to operate where appropriate”

Associate members are invited to the General Assembly meetings and seminars organised by the Association. They are asked to contribute to the objectives of the Association but do not have the right to vote in General Assembly meetings.


The Board may invite a non-member organisation to view any activities of the Association as determined by the Board from time to time.

Such organisations must meet at least one of the criteria below:

  • Associated with betting activities in the racing industry
  • A racing industry operator
  • Contributors to beneficiaries and to the horseracing sector

Article 6 : Admission and exclusion of membership

Applicants for membership should complete and submit the WoTA membership application form (as approved by the Board from time to time).

All applications will be considered by the Board to ensure that the applicant meets the conditions of acceptance for the various categories of membership.

The Board may request that the applicant meet with the WoTA Board.

The admission of new full members is subject to the following conditions:

candidates are presented by the Board of Directors and admitted as such by the General Assembly. In this respect, the General Assembly has unlimited and discretionary power, but will take a decision by a 3/4 majority of the votes of the present or represented. No reasons need to be given for its decision, which shall be definitively binding.

The Board may reject the application if the Board considers the jurisdiction that awards the applicant’s licence does not meet adequate regulatory standards at the absolute discretion of the Board.  

The Board may choose to reject the application with no reason required but must decide the application within three months of the lodgement. Between the decision by the Board and the final admission by the General Assembly, the member is deemed to be a temporary Member, with same membership benefits. If no decision is determined by the Board within the time frame it will be deemed that the application is unsuccessful. The applicant may then use the appeal process at the next General Assembly.

If the application for membership is rejected by the Board, the applicant may appeal to the annual General Assembly at which a 75% majority is required for the appeal to be successful. A member will be asked to resign if his membership fee is not paid within three months as from the reminder made by the Board. The Board should distinguish between members who are making no effort to pay in due time and members who have difficulties to make the transfer.