General Manager International at Tabcorp
When and how was Tabcorp created?
Tabcorp commenced in 1994 as a public company and prior to this, the totalisator business known as the Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) formed way back in 1961.
What is the most popular horserace bet for customers of Tabcorp?
Win betting has always been the most popular.
What’s the most exciting development at Tabcorp at the moment?
On the international front, we completed the full acquisition of Premier Gateway International (PGI) this year. Previously it was a joint venture with Phumelela. We are really looking forward to developing this unique business as well as building on our success with Sky Racing World (SRW) in the USA.
What’s the greatest challenge at the moment?
The wagering market in Australia is now highly competitive. We embrace that competitiveness but we want to see online operators make the same level of contributions to tax revenue and racing funding that we do.
What is the added value of WoTA for Tabcorp?
Being able to understand and share the opportunities, challenges and issues that exist in the global wagering market.
What is your role inside WoTA?
I have co-chaired the Association with Richard Cheung from the Hong Kong Jockey Club since WoTA was formed in 2020.
When and how did you become General Manager International at Tabcorp?
I have been involved in Tabcorp’s international business since 2005 and have had various roles within the business including strategy and business development and took on the leadership role in early 2020. I have been in the ‘TAB’ business since 1995 having worked for TAB in Australia and New Zealand. Both are different organisations, but I particularly enjoyed the international side of the business as there was and continues to be, much potential. The journey continues!
What do you do when you are not being General Manager, General Manager International at Tabcorp?
Apart from going to the races, we have recently purchased a house that needs some major renovations and significant landscaping works. I’m in charge of the landscaping!
What’s the best sporting event you have ever attended or enjoyed?
Royal Ascot week would be at the top of my list and at home it would have to be the 2004 Grand Final win of the Canterbury Bulldogs, my rugby league football team in Australia. They finished last this year!