The World Tote Association held its General Assembly in London.
The structure will be chaired by European members for the next two years.
The Board of 12 members is composed of:
The 6 Permanent members have been confirmed in their position:
Hans Lord Skarploth, CEO of ATG
Alex Frost, CEO of UK Tote Group
Paul Cross, International Manager at Tabcorp
Michael Fitzsimons, Executive Director, Wagering Products at the Hong Kong Jockey Club
Keith Johnson, Chief Revenue Officer of 1/ST Technology Group/AmTote
Idriss Belghazi, Deputy Director at SOREC
Elected members are:
Riko Luiking, CEO of German Tote
Simon Leong, Chief Product Officer of Singapore Pools
Andrew Archibald, President of United Tote
Fundi Sithebe, CEO of 4Racing
Jérôme Carrus, CEO of Groupe Carrus and HAHE
Juha-Matti Mäkilä, Vice president of betting operations at Veikkaus
Board members are elected for a 2-year mandate and have chosen Hans Lord Skarploth and Alex Frost to co-chair the Association for the next period.
The new Board will meet online on 6th December to validate the vote on the membership applications and discuss the 2023 work programme.