How do the horse racing and betting companies get ready to meet Generation Z needs and requirements ?
Generation Z is digitally educated generation, it is also very demanding and impatient. They have high expectations and low tolerance for errors and mistakes.
They expect visually oriented design, fast loading speed, seamless experience on different devices, shareability, gamification and at the same time simplicity and clearness.
The Webinar has provided answers on how our sport and betting companies can communicate with the punters of tomorrow.
Jeff Fromm, author of the book “Marketing to Generation Z”. tells how to draw their attention and move away from traditional marketing with the worldwide specialist,
Phoebe Siu explains the specific offer put in place by the Hong Kong Jockey Club, offline and online.
Stephen Kennelly details how FanDuel Racing builds on the strength of FanDuel fantasy to attract younger customers.
Jeff Fromm
Partner at Barkley and Author
Phoebe Siu
Executive Manager, Customer Management at the Hong Kong Jockey Club
Stephen Kennelly
Vice President of Racing Product and US Exchange at FanDuel Group
Kristin Riise Odegard
Journalist, Consultant